Operation Help
Operation Help
Operation Help is an outreach service that specializes in assisting people who are involved, or at risk of being involved, in sexual exploitation and human trafficking.
Who is it for?
- Any individual, not limited to age or gender, who voluntarily would like to exit the sex trade lifestyle.
- For further information please contact us at 306-931-6644.
In partnership with
- Mental Health & Addictions.
- Saskatoon Police Services.
- Ministry of Social Services.
Current features
Building empowerment
A goal of Operation Help is to reduce recidivism/system generated charges, promote self determination and build empowerment. The Operation Help Program began in May 2001. It is a non-traditional inter-agency partnership between EGADZ, Mental Health & Addictions, Saskatoon Police Services and the Ministry of Social Services. All of these community organizations work together to provide immediate services to individuals trapped in the sex trade in Saskatoon.

Annual Day of Mourning
Every year, Operation Help staff and a youth committee work together in planning a memorial event called The Day of Mourning. The Day of Mourning, which takes place annually on Aug. 14, is a celebration of life for those who have lost their lives to sexual exploitation. It is an opportunity for families, friends and community to come together to remember loved ones, and to bring awareness to the exploitation that continues to occur to those who are vulnerable.
Changing lives through youth-directed programs
The needs of children, youth and their families are the primary focus in the design and delivery of our programs and services.