First Avenue Campus provides youth with access to education at EGADZ. A full-time teacher and EGADZ support worker provide a continuum of services to meet the daily complex needs of the students.

Program highlights
  • One-on-one support.
  • Individualized lesson plan.
  • Can obtain credits.
  • Individualized case plan.

Who is it for?

  • Youth aged 12-18 years old.


  • Public and Catholic school divisions.
  • Community referrals.

In partnership with

  • Saskatoon Public Schools
  • Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools

Current features

Check back soon for updates.

Unique and achievable educational plan

FAC students have had interruptions in their schooling as a result of challenges and varying circumstances, creating barriers in attending school regularly. FAC develops a unique and achievable educational plan specific to each student to enhance success in school and all areas of their life. An Inclusions and Intervention Plan and an Impact Assessment Plan alongside individualized case plans determine the student’s strengths, struggles and interests. These tools list specific measurable outcomes for prioritized areas and enable plans for students’ short and long-term outcomes.

Successful transition to mainstream school

When a student is ready, they will transition to a mainstream school of their choosing which will best meet all of their needs. FAC assists the student by touring schools and attending meetings with the new faculty. This increases the student’s comfort level while decreasing the anxiety and stress that can occur when making such a large transition. FAC works closely with the EGADZ Day and School Support programs to provide the student with continued transportation to the new school. This supports attendance and ultimately success in the transition. FAC continues to support and work with all the students as applicable after the transition occurs.

First Avenue Campus PDF

Changing lives through youth-directed programs

The needs of children, youth and their families are the primary focus in the design and delivery of our programs and services.