EGADZ Action to Employment continuous Virtual Bottle Drive- We are asking for your help, Clean out your garages and basements and donate your bottles to a great Community cause

Action to Employment was created in 2011, when a youth expressed a need for employment opportunities and a desire to give back to her community. The program operates solely on fundraised dollars to facilitate employment for youth and provide services to the most vulnerable in our community. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are unable once again to host our Annual ATE Auction Gala which makes up majority of the Youth's wages and equipment. Action to Employment employs 22 Youth who require work experience before getting out into the workforce as well as youth who have expressed a need to keep busy as a coping mechanism for their mental health and/or combatting addictions. Through this program, youth are able to help clients, majority of which are elderly. With the help of the Youth the homeowners are able to live comfortably and stay in their homes, enjoy their yards and engage in healthy social interaction. Since 2011, Action to Employment has provided 120 youth with employment. They served 62 clients in 2020-2021 and are currently serving 48 clients in the 2021-2022 year.